Welcome to Learn with Jean!

Learn about my background and experiences, approach, and services.

  • 10+ years of experience in curriculum design
  • Thinkific Expert
  • Data Analytics Certification
  • Python for Automation

Hi, I'm Jean Pak.
I love educating entrepreneurs and businesses like you...

I have spent the last decade building instructive, interactive, scalable online courses and training modules for entrepreneurs and businesses within and beyond the Thinkific ecosystem. As a certified Thinkific expert, I can help you deliver amazing online learning experiences that reflects the needs of your learners and better utilize Thinkific for your business.

Scalable Learning Programs

Building Business Systems

Interactive Learning

Online Courses: From Drab to Dynamic

It’s time to turn your courses into vibrant and dynamic learning modules. A high-tech, high-touch way to get students engaged and inspired with techniques and content strategies that activate the mind.

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Helping businesses and creators since 2011

Leading businesses and creators to their online business growth and impact

Pragmatic and intuitive!

Jean is a profoundly gifted and pragmatic teacher and e-learning designer. Both of those qualities matter; I took a course from Jean because I was trying to create an e-course on my own and getting nowhere. In a small workshop setting, Jean took a group of us--all in different fields, at different skill levels--and quickly gave us the tools AND the methodology to design a course based around our business goals. She is brilliant at giving you the how AND the why, from what platforms to use to how to grow followers and keep customers--and she had us making things right away.

Martha Garvey, Workshop Attendee

Invaluable Problem-Solver

Jean has been an incredible guide and consultant to the world of Thinkific course development and Google analytics. I started by watching her many helpful Youtube videos, and then hired her to walk me through several obstacles I encountered in my journey to create a Thinkific course site. As she problem-solved these challenges, she also tutored me so I could continue the work of developing my courses. She gave me the confidence to keep moving forward, knowing I have someone I can turn to when I do get stuck. INVALUABLE!

David Lukoff

Spiritual Competency Academy

Balance of relatable expert

Jean finds the balance between expert and approachability. When I was first starting out on Thinkific, her videos were very helpful to teaching in an accessible way without being overly complicated.

Jeff Hajek

Simplifying Big Ideas!

Thank you Jean for helping simplifying and organizing my big ideas into a more accessible and manageable site.

Madeline LaTuer

Life Course Online

Create and Scale Online Training

The online course market is competitive and requires differentiation.

The solution: Creating a course content that sparks and sustains interest, and makes the learner love it enough to share about it.

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Take the Next Step Forward!

Let's discuss how I can help you scale and build memorable online learning experiences.